Looking for a hassle-free way to order a beautiful flower bouquet? Our Florist's Choice is the perfect solution! And it's available for same-day delivery! Our florists will hand-select the freshest blooms and arrange them into a breathtaking bouquet just for you. All you have to do is select the size. And the best part? Our Florist's Choice is 15%-20% cheaper than our other products! Order now and enjoy fresh flowers at your doorstep.
The accompanying photos depict the Small, Medium, Large, and Deluxe size options.
- Deluxe - 65cm x 55cm with 38-48 stems
- Large - 55cm x 45cm with 25-35 stems
- Medium - 45cm x 35cm with 15-22 stems
- Small - 35cm x 25cm with 6-12 stems
Florist's Choice Flower Bouquet
PriceFrom HK$580.00